Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter 2008

Today is Easter. I received a big basket from the Easter bunny with lots of fun treats! I will get to see all of my family today, go on Easter egg hunts and swim in the pool! I just hope my parents can keep up with me.
My mommy and daddy bought me the most beautiful dress. I loved it sooo much I did not want to take it off all day!

I have been working on my smile very hard.

At Karen's house, the Easter bunny hid all of these bright colored eggs with candy inside. My daddy helped me pick up the eggs and eat the candy!

Then I got to hunt for eggs at my Grandma and Grandpa Campos's house. I found lots of chocolate but for some reason my mommy would not let me eat it!

The Bug

The Easter bunny left me this cool bug in my Easter basket. My daddy put it on the water hose and I ran through the water
One day I will be really upset with my mom for posting these pictures of me when I am so bloated!

Downtown Disney

My mommy and Kari took me to Downtown disney over the weekend. We had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe! I loved to play with the animals and make fish faces.
My first hair extensions! My mommy is so proud.

I love to play with all of the stuff animals in the stores.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Easter Present

I got a very special present from my other best friend Kari!

Monday, March 10, 2008

New Dress

I am ready for the summer fashions!

In the water

I love to play in the water
It can not be legal to have this much fun!

Cabo here I come!

Downtown Disney

I went to Downtown disney this weekend for my mom's cheerleaders competition. We had lots of fun playing and shopping. For some reason my parents like to put things on my head and take pictures?
Here I am in my fish attire

These are my cool Mikey pirate ears

Monday, March 3, 2008

Day in the Snow

Daddy and I made this snow man all my ourselves in the LBC! Okay maybe making the snowman is not true but we are playing in the snow in the LBC.

Tyler and I

This is my buddy Tyler!
I am trying to impress Tyler with my cool sunglasses and ponytail.

Tyler and I really like to play on the floor

I was not kidding when I said we really like to play on the floor!