Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Today is Mommy's day! We are going to Riverside to see my grandma and great grandma. I hope they like my outfit!
I had a great lunch at Green Onion with my family!

This is my family! My tia, Kim and great grandma, mama and grandma Campos. I love spending time with them!


This is my best friend Bubba. He likes to kiss me and steal my hot dogs.

Dance for Fun

I was promoted from Baby Dance to Dance for Fun! Mommy is so proud! She expects pirouttes from me soon.

Letter "M"

Madalyn writes the letter "M". Okay maybe it was just a scribble but it looks like an "M" :)!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Madalyn's 18 month pictures

This is my pretty China doll outfit that Mommy and Daddy bought in San Francisco.

I just love the California Sun!

This is my look for the summer. I am really working on getting into shape so I can wear my bikini!