Monday, June 30, 2008

My new bathing suit

This is my new red bathing suit and hat. I like to lounge with Mommy by the pool.

Alexis's Birthday Party

Today was my buddy Alexis 4th birthday. We went to Prehistoric pets to celebrate. Here I am with Big Lou the turtle

I had lots of fun eating pizza and cake
At night we got to go over to Alexis's house and bounce in the jump house. My favorite thing to do was play with the kids kitchen!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Adventure City

Today we went to Adventure City! It was a fun amusement park for people my size!
I love riding the horsie with Mommy

This is my buddy the sheep. He lets me hug and kiss him. I think I got some hair caught in my teeth!
I love petting the goat. I think she is pregnant. I will have to make Mommy bring me back so I can see the babies
In a couple years I might even be big enough to try the scary rides! Daddy will have to take me because Mommy is a scardy cat
I finnally get to drive and it is about time. Daddy better start saving up for my car

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My first bicycle

I got my first bicycle today! It is pink and purple with the disney princesses on it
My daddy chases me all around the house

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tyler's House

Today we went over to Tyler's house to watch the Laker game. I enjoyed playing with my buddy Tyler!
I was so glad they had strawberries and chips to eat


Today I had lunch with my friend Rebecca. We had lots of yummy treats!


My daddy bought me this cool new sand box.
I can get myself really dirty in it!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Palm Springs

I went to Palm Springs for Memorial Weekend! I was a little cold but still lots of fun.
On our trip, I sweet talked my Daddy into giving my some chips! He is such a sucker.

Sometimes I just like to take silly pictures with Mommy.

Daddy and I had lots of fun swimming in the pool

I got into all of mommy's pretty lipsticks. I felt like this one matched my complexion the best!

My Water Bug

Daddy and I love to play with the water bug! It is my cool toy that spits out water. We like to run through the water and make a mess.
Please also notice my pretty cherry bathing suit. It is getting a little tight but I think it is the only bathing suit that shows off my figure

My favorite thing to do is stick my hair in the water

I just love my water bug!