Monday, July 21, 2008

Playdate with Jordan

My buddy Jordan and I love to play on our cars!
We plan on hitting our parents up when we are 16 for matching BMW's

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sea World

I started my day at Sea World by meeting Peter the Penguin. He was the coolest!
Next, I went and saw the Shamu show. My favorite part was eating the pickle.
I spend most of the time playing in the Toddler area at Elmo's Bay of Play
Here is my best friend Elmo. He came along to play with me
After I played with Elmo, Zoe and I hung out. She is one of my closest friends.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Orange County Zoo

I went to the Orange County Zoo today. I saw eagles, lions and goats.
After the zoo, Mommy took me on the choo choo train.
If you look real close you will see my head peeking out. I can't wait to go back to the zoo when I am bigger and ride the ponies!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Play Date at the Mall

Today I had a playdate at the mall with my buddy Jordan!
I took a picture next to my favorite food, a giant hotdog!
Then Jordan and I jumped on a giant watermelon!
I enjoyed flying the helicopter the best!
Jordan took a fly in the helicopter too!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tiny Tots Gymnastics

My mom is training me for the 2020 Olympics! I am doing very well in my Gymnastics class

My mom thinks bars will be my strong category. Look at those hip circles
Daddy is partial to the beam

The Grove

Today we drove to LA and went shopping at the Grove. I wore my hip sunglasses to fit in with the LA crowd
I found a dog that looked just like Bubba at the American Girl store. My daddy said for $18 we could by 10 of these dogs at Target??

Fourth of July

It is the fourth of July today! Mommy and Daddy are taking me out on the boat with our friends Allison and Brandon. I made sure to put on my red, white and blue today!

Play date with Jordan

Today I had a playdate with my buddy Jordan. I showed her all my toys! I think she liked my Bubba the best
I do not think Jordan liked my tent very much :(