Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lake Gregory

Today I went to Lake Gregory with my buddy Tyler and his mommy Allison. I had the best time splashing water and throwing rocks
Here is a picture of Allison, Tyler and me on a red surf board
Tyler and I had the best time splashing in the water

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Cabo 2008

Finally Vacation time! This summer my parents deceided to take me to Cabo San Lucas. We had lots of fun at dinner
I am not sure who this is but it is cool, we are in Cabo!
Feel that ocean air on my face
Here I am at Medano Beach. The water feels like bath water. I love to make sand castles with my mommy
I am trying to protect my skin by wearing a sun hat

Dad, not so people can see!
Look at the fish I caught.
Here is a picture of my turtle Icy. I like to play tunes with him
Viva Mexico!

Can you see the kitty cats behind me. I guess Mexico is not big on sanitation rules in restaurants
Here is my very favorite place in Cabo! The fun zone (actually it was not called that but mommy could not pronouce the name)
I love playing in the balls
My mommy and daddy are the best parents ever! They let me have a big piece of cake for my last dinner in Cabo. Maybe it was because they wanted to enjoy their meal? Either way I loved my cake
Good Bye Cabo! Hope to see you again soon

OC fair

Jordan and I went to the OC fair. We traveled in my deluxe wagon
We all took a picture with the alligator. Jordan was a little scared so her Mommy held her
We created colorful masterpieces for our mommies
We had tons of fun feeding the goats, pigs and even camels at the fair. To bad mommy did not let me eat the fried twinkies

More Pictures of Auntie Kari's Wedding

In case you did not get enough pictures of me in Auntie Kari's wedding, here are some more! Here I am doing my run down the aisle

Here I am helping Auntie Kari clean all these flower petals
The wedding is over. Time to party
I am ready to get my groove on the dance floor

I am always ready to pose for a picture!
After the wedding party was introduced, I got to watch my Auntie Kari dance

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Nature Center

We went to the Nature Center down the street at El Dorado Park. I loved playing with the Rollie Pollies

Friday, August 1, 2008

Kari's Wedding

This weekend I get to me in my auntie Kari's wedding. She wants me to carry this beautiful basket down the aisle. I bet I can find better things to do with it.
The day before the wedding, we went to a rehearsal dinner. I got this cool pink backpack with my name on it. Inside the backpack was lots of toys
I even got this cool flower girls T-shirt with my name on it!
Here I am all dressed up on the big day. Auntie Kari gave me a fancy necklace and bracelett. I wonder how long I can keep the jewerlry on for?
This is my Auntie Kari. Doesn't she look beautiful!

Here is one creative way I can use my basket. What you do not see is me throwing my basket 2 minutes later. Told you I could do more then just carry it!
This is my mommy. She was a bridesmaid in the wedding. We tore up the dance floor a little bit before I went home with grandma and grandpa. I heard that Mommy tore up the dance floor a little more after I left
Here is my family with ringbearer Nickolas and Kathleen. Daddy was in the wedding as a groomsman. Doesn't he clean up nice.
What a great day!