Thursday, July 30, 2009

Minature Golf

There is a first time for everything. This is my first time playing golf. I let mom help me hit the ball. I have to admit that I beat daddy fair and square on a couple holes

The Beach

Back to the beach. We picked a beautiful day to hit Huntinton Beach. I played in the water, had lunch, made sand castles, searched for sea shells and lounged in the sun! Love living by the beach

Discovery Science Museum

I love it when I get to go to the discovery Science museum. Here I am in the science of Hockey exhibit
They had a new exhibit this time. I got to visit Smokey the bears home! I thought I would make him some ummy meal

Here I am with my new friend Smokey the bear

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Boozie loves swimming in the pool with me. Some day I hope to get Bubba in the pool too!


I found my sport! Bowling. Especially when they put the bumpers up
They did not have shoes my size, but that is okay. I still kicked some major booty!

Concert in the Park

Here is a picture of me and my BFF Jordan. We love to play at concert in the park

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Baby Charolette

I finally got to meet my pseudo-cousin Charolette. She is so small and cute! Can't wait until she is old enough to play with me.


Mommy and Daddy signed me up for soccer! I have my shin guards and pink water bottle, I am ready to play!

OC Fair

Time for some fried food and rides! Daddy and I started our trip on the Merry Go Round
I deceided to pick up some groceries in the Fun Zone

Too bad mommy did not get a picture of her eating a fried Snickers ;)

Knotts Berry Farm

Off to camp snoopy we go! We spent the morning and part of the afternoon at Knotts Berry Farm
Mommy and I rode the train in camp snoopy. When mommy got scared, I would hold her hand

Here I am taking a picture with Snoppy

Beach Day

My favorite part of summer is all the fun trips I get to take with my family. We had a great time at the beach. We made sand castles, played in the water and ate lunch. Can't wait to go back

Monday, July 6, 2009

Daddy watches the kids

Mommy and Missy were hard at work on planning my Auntie Kari's shower. They put my dad in charge of watching us. He let us go in the pool with our clothes on!
Mom said dad only does this so he will not have to watch us anymore. I think he is just really cool!

4th of July Weekend

Concert in the park is back! Here is my buddy Tyler. He is going to have a little sister in Soon! Sucker!
For fourth of July we were a part of a street fair in Long Beach.

Jordan and I rode in a wagon that her family decorated

My summer pool

My parents spare no experience for my summer enjoyment! They got me this cool pool to play in!