Saturday, April 10, 2010

San Diego Vacation

We lucked out with some nice weather in San Diego. Daddy and I enjoyed out hotel pool
We walked to the pier for dinner. I had fun in the hammock swing

They had lots of carnival rides on the pier. I started with the merry go round

Next I went on the boat ride

Mommy and I on the beach

San Diego Zoo

Our next stop on vacation was the San Diego zoo.
I really enjoyed the elephant exhibit

Daddy and I with the Jaguar
We went to the polar bear exhibit next. Here I am with my seal friend

I am doing my mean polar bear face, ROAR!!!

Time to relax with a foot massage

Hotel Bahia

We spent the next two nights at the hotel Bahia in Mission Beach. I had fun playing in the sand

Sea World

We started our Spring Break at Sea World. Here I am hugging Oppie the Otter

It was raining pretty good after the Elmo 4D show. Luckly I had a rain coat just in case

The penguins are my favorite. Maybe daddy will let me bring one home with me

Easter day

I love getting dressed up for Easter.
The family

I got lots of fun treats from my grandma Dorosky
After the Easter egg Hunt

On to my next hunt at grandma and grandpa's house

Here I am with all of my cousins

It is never to late to have another Easter cupcake

Easter Morning

The Easter bunny came last night and left me a great basket! I got the first Toys Story DVD, new sheets, princess toys and pretty dresses

Easter Bunny!

It is the Saturday before Easter! I am leaving some celery out for the Easter Bunny. Can't wait to see what he brings

Easter Cookies

One of my favorite things to do at Easter is decorate Easter cookies
I choose chocolate frosting this year. YUM!

Easter Eggs

Mommy helped me color Easter eggs with my Princess Dye kit. I made lots of eggs and left them outside to dry. Boozie liked the green eggs so much he deceided to eat one, shell and all

Pretend City

After our mani's and pedi's, Mommy and I went to Pretend City in Irvine. I started my trip by shopping for groceries
I found some time to play in the water at the Marina

I made sure to take care of the baby dolls in the health center

Mani's and Pedi's

Mommy and I deceided to get mani's and pedi's for our Spring Break

I got bright pink polish with flowers on my big toes and thumbs! Spring Break here I come!