Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

It might be wet but our class is going to the pumpkin patch anyways!
We each got to choose our own pumpkin to take home

Here is the one I choose

Another picture, really?!?

Here is my pre-school class. Good looking group!

Birthday Cupcakes

Time to celebrate my birthday at pre-school! Mommy brought a cupcake cake for my class to enjoy

I got to sit at the head of the table and wear a birthday crown

I took a giant bite of cupcake and got blue frosting all over my face

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My princess tea party

I am turning 4 years old! Time to have a princess tea party to celebrate. I dressed as princess Cinderella
Mommy made a special table for all my friends! We had a castle bounce house to play in

My friends could make bracelets, decorate crowns and have their nails painted by real princesses

Let the party begin!

My friends are starting to show up

Here I am with some friends from school
Each of my friends got to decorate a crown with jewels

Then real princesses stopped by to paint our nails

Time to have a tea party! We drank yummy lemonade with strawberry sugar on the rim. Mommy left out some sugar cubes that made our lemonade extra yummy! I am sure all my friends parents loved that she left those out!

The babys even had a great time at the party

Here are all my friends with the princesses
Here is a picture of my auntie Tanya and Dana with baby Ty and Dylan

Here I am with princess Jackie. She used to babysit me when I was a baby

Time to bounce with Auntie Mary

I had the best time at my princess tea party! Can't wait until next year!

Baby Thomas

Baby Thomas is getting so big! I am trying to help mommy hold him. He is 24 weeks in this picture

Dorosky Wedding

My daddy's cousin Phill is getting married today! Mommy and I got all dressed up
Here I am with the bride Emily

Pumpkin Patch with the Seedorf family

I love October because of my birthday, halloween and pumpkin patch! Tyler and I like to climb on the pumpkins at Pa's pumpkin patch
Tyler bounced I just watched

Time for some rides

Tyler choose the cars

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Jocelyn's 1st Birthday!

Here I am at baby Jocelyn's 1st birthday party!
She loved her smash cake!

Baby Thomas is growing!

Here I am with baby Thomas at 20 weeks old

Back to School

Time for another year of pre-school!
Got my Princess back pack and am ready to learn!

Here I come Mrs.Johns

Here I am with my teacher, Mrs.Johns

This is my best buddy Mina