Friday, January 21, 2011

My baby brother is born

My baby brother is here! He was born on Saturday, January 15th at 1:45 PM. Thomas Henry weighed 7lbs and 15 oz and was 20 inches long
Daddy and grandma Campos were in the room when Thomas Henry was born

Isn't he cute

Baby Thomas and Daddy
With grandma Campos

With his grandpa

Thomas got to meet Missy the night he was born. Mark took lots of great pictures of baby Thomas

Thomas and grandma Dorosky

Mommy with her babies
The family

My Auntie Kari made this shirt for me. I wore it the first time I met my baby brother

I came back to the hospital later Sunday evening to see baby Thomas. I was so excited to hold him

and kiss him

I just love him
Auntie Kim and baby Thomas

Thomas got to meet Boozie

and Bubba

Tummy Time for my baby brother!

New Years Eve

It is new years eve. Our family is going to a kid friendly party at the Schmidts house

We all celebrated the New York new years. What a great night