Monday, April 11, 2011


We had a barbeque at our house with some of my friends. Jordan and I wore matching dresses Cambden and Charolette had fun playing with the Exosaucer
Jordan, Tyler and I decided to take a nap in my bed
Here are all the kiddos!

Palm Springs

It is Thomas's first trip to Palm Springs! We stayed at my grandmas house. Thomas got ready in his golf outfit

Here is a picture of Thomas's first time in the pool. He loved it!

Seal Beach Run

It is the annual seal beach run! Mommy and Daddy will run while my grandma and grandpa push my brother and I

Recital Outfit

Already time to get ready for my dance recital! Here is my yellow leotard for our classes dance to "Crazy Monkey Day"

Rainy Days

With all this rain I had to find something to do inside. Started by swimming in Mommy and Daddy's bath tub Next I made a bed for my dollies and I. I read books to help them fall asleep

March Pictures

Just getting ready for St.Patty's day This is my favorite onesie my brother has
Isn't he cute!


Thomas and I like to nap on our Bubba. He likes it too