Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Weekend

It is Memorial weekend and we are off to palm desert. Had to stop and see the dinosaurs on our way

Daddy and I playing in the pool

Brother fell asleep in the pool

Time for dinner

Toby, Tanya and Ty met us for a day at the pool!

Playing with daddy at the pool
Playing with Ty

Getting ready to go down the waterslide

Here I go!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

3 month pictures

Thomas turned 3 months which means it is time for a photo shoot!

Thomas laughing

Thomas loves to laugh at me doing cartwheels

Family Fun Night

It is my preschool family fun night. We havea big picnic and silent auction
Here I am with Mina

This is my teacher Mrs.Johns

The boys


My mommies good friend Dana is moving to Sacramento. We had a going away party for her. Here I am with all the kids
My friend Bella had a fancy tea party! Here I am with some of my friends


The Easter bunny came early in the morning and left a basket of goodies for me
Here brother and I are dressed in our Easter outfits

Getting an Easter basket from grandma Dorosky

I went in the spa with my cousin Stephen and his friend

Time for the Easter egg hunt!

Open House

It is the cdc open house. Here is apicture of my friends and I
This is one of my best friends Mina

Thomas Henry at 3 months