Thursday, June 30, 2011

Vacation 2011

We are driving up the coast. We stopped inSanta Barbara for lunch.
Our first stop was Pismo Beach. We decided to take a dip in our hotels pool

At the Pismo pier

In Pismo we found a merry go round to ride
The next stop on our trip was Monterey. We had dinner at Bubba Gumps

The next day we spent at the Aquarium. Look at that giant sea star

One of the exhibits allows you to stand under a wave crashing down

At the aquarium

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Looking at the jellies

Thomas Henry and mommy

The family

We went to a store in Monterey called "Everything Pink" I liked the Betty Boop the best

Thomas met the Singh family in Monterey. Here he is with Meishia
Here he is with Nav

We stopped in Santa Cruz on our way to San Francisco. Here mommy and I are on the Merry go round

On the helicopter

Brother and Daddy on the Boardwalk

Mommy wanted to get Thomas Henry this Chinese hat in China town
Thomas did not like it though :(

Thomas meets uncle Brian

All of our Northern California friends

This is Luca. He is Brian and Gina's lil boy. Thomas and him are already great friends

We went to my favorite restaurant ever! Rain Forest Cafe
I ordered the pizza. Mommy and Daddy shared a salad and appetizer

Brother got a giraffe hat. Isn't he cute

I got a new Chinese dress in Chinatown

I even got a Chinese dress for my Barbie doll

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Daddy bought me a new blow up pool. Brother enjoys the pool with daddy

My Recital

It is my recital day. We are doing a tap routine to "Crazy Monkey Day"
This is my preschool buddy Taylor. She is dancing today also

This is my buddy Kennedy. This is our second recital together

Getting ready to go on stage!

Almost time for us to go on stage
We did it! I had a great performance. We got to eat our snacks after our performance

Here I am with Grandma and Grandpa. My auntie, grandparents and cousin Djani all got me flowers

Mi familia

Father's Day

Daddy wanted to spend fathers day at Tilted Kilt. Grandpa got to take a picture with the waitress staff

Thomas Henry is 5 months

My baby brother is 5 months old! He got his first two teeth on the bottom, is rolling all over the place and eating rice cereal. What a big boy!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Preschool Graduation

I am finally graduating from preschool!
We sang songs and received our portofolios and CD of pictures. Here I am with my teacher

These are my buddies Sienna and Mina

Mommy and me
My buddy Jordan

My family

Jordan and her mommy

My preschool teacher Mrs.Johns