Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten

It is my first day of kindergarten in Ms.Jordano's class

Here is my teacher Ms.Jordano

Here I am waiting to go inside!

Santa Ana Zoo

We took grandpa to the zoo. We had the best time
Can you see Thomas?

In the train

Progressive Dinner 2011

Time for our annual progressive dinner party. We ride our bikes to different house were we have yummy food at each stop.
Here we are at Micah's house

Daddy and baby

Ice Cream truck at Micah's house

The boys

Thomas playing in Brody's room

At the Lewis house

At Memphis and Cash's house

Silly pictures

Thomas and I decided to be silly and dress up. I am dressed as a cowgirl
Thomas likes my costume

I am not really sure what Thomas is dressed up as but he sure is cute!


My bubba found a new place to sleep. My bedroom! He crys at night to get into my room. He just can't be with out me

Discovery Science Museum

We spent the day at the discovery science museum with Grandpa
I made grandpa go into the air vent chamber with me

My brother is so cute!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Maddy and Thomas Henry pictures

Too cute!

Thomas Henry and Maddy's pictures

I was unable to go to my recital picture day because I was sick. Heidi did some special pictures of me in my recital outfit

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Auntie Kari Baby Shower

Auntie Kari is having a baby boy! Mommy helped throw a shower for the baby
Missy made "Rush Onsies"

The besties


We went to a new park in Garden Grove called Atlantis. I had the best time playing on the sea serpent snake

Palm Springs

We went to Palm Springs with the Ritchie Family
Rebecca and I became great friends

Thomas did some surfing on the raft

Here Recca and I are watching some TV

Pizza dinner!